Our Brown Beauty Client suffered hair loss that was considered a "hormonal imbalance or a cause of stopping a specific birth control" from her physician with no timeframe of hair regrowth or teatment plan. She started off using our Seal the Deal elixir a few times a week and branched out into our full line! She began to see slight results within ten days and begin wearing her hair just a few short months later!
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Verified Customer
Our Brown Beauty Client was diagnosed with chemical and traction alopecia from years of tight styles and relaxers. She decided to start with using topical products before using anything the doctor prescribed and gradually saw growth within months of regular use of our Seal the Deal elixir. Using this oil on her affected areas rewinded alot of damage and she began to see hair she had not seen in years!

Verified Customer
Our Brown Beauty Client had a bad experience with removing her unit. Here at Brown beauty we don't discriminate on whether our clients use protective styles or extensions, but encourage them to utilize them with care in order to maximize the health of your natural hair. This client removed her own unit impropely and cause hair loss on top of her chemical alopecia from many years ago. She began using the Seal the Deal all over her hair and scalp a few times a week and saw regrowth on her hairline as well as thickness throughout within a couple of months. {

Verified Customer
his international beauty wanted cut off her damaged straight ends and simply wanted her length back! She started off with our Seal the Deal Elixir and when finished purchased the bundle deal of our complete line to further boost her results after a few months. She displayed rapid growth from the day she cut to months later giving her that bounce back of health and length she deserves!
Verified Customer
Our Brown Beauty client had been suffering from male pattern baldness which is very popular for over a decade! He wanted to get versatility back as far as styling so he gave our Seal the Deal oil a try! He experience rapid growth in just a few short months!wait editing picture one!